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GY...what I'll miss the most (an ode to gy & ultimate gy-mate...Abril)
Sunday, December 04, 2005

GY rituals that I'll most miss...
>>>eating in front of our officemate's PC while watching VCD(s) (Mona/Geoff this is the reason you sometimes go deaf in the morning when you turn on your PC and also why your work station is so filthy even when you try so hard to keep it clean. Geoff, this is also the reason there was a weird star wars character on your pc one time since we forgot to log ourselves out from your pc.)

>>>pretending to be hackers to try to access other pages aside from the bank site(and always dismally failing)

>>>taking pictures of a chicken little mcdo happy meal toy in various poses for...well, there's a very good reason behind it (props to Princess Guins for helping me out on this one)

>>>playing and attempting to finish PC games such as Mortimers Haunted Mansion, Diner Dash, Betty's Bar etc

>>>playing MusicMatch extremely loud

>>>scaring ourselves silly with ghosts that were purely a product of heresay and paranoia (due to Mitch & April's "CSI" instincts we found out 4 months ago that the supposed "ghost sounds" came from the rusty security guards' lockers beside our office)

>>>napping during office hours =)

>>>forcing the sleeping manong guards to wake up and to place water bottles on our water dispensers so as to avoid dehydrating

>>>forcing/ordering our supervisor to go home since she's still at the office even if it's already 2AM

>>>arguing with each other about whether to turn the aircon on or off

GY rituals that I'll most probably also miss after sometime even when I hated doing them...
>>>making the call report

>>>closing one million cases

>>>logging cases (NAH! Don't think I'll be missing this at all!)

>>>making SOA's for the late shifters

>>>faxing and sometimes pretending to fax SOA's (hee-hee)

>>>tagging one million ATM cards!

GY rituals with April that I'll miss a lot...
>>>April forcing whoever is on GY duty to eat her "baon" every single time with her signature line "MALINIS YAN!"

>>>April and whoever is on GY duty fighting over the ICL requests (easiest ones to make)

>>>April and whoever is on GY duty fighting about whoever will make the call reports for the day (no one wanted to make them)

>>>April and my monthly One Tree Hill marathon (we're the only 2 people in the office who likes OTH! Everyone else likes The OC ! Hail Chad Michael Murray!)

>>>April and my undying devotion to Chad Michael Murray, James Lafferty, and most especially "Whitey"

>>>April and my other VCD marathons of FRIENDS, CSILV & SCRUBS

>>>April burning her hand with the water dispensers' hot water even after I specifically told her already that the hot water dispenser was not broken anymore (it was MY fault, I assumed that she would try to test it WITH A GLASS and NOT with her hand)

>>>April and my once in a while moments of being on the verge of quitting work to be CSI's but then we remember that the Philippines has NO crime lab and that we weren't criminologists in the first place (DAMN YOU GRISSOM!You make it seem so easy!)

>>>April frowning at me again & again & again because I'm ALWAYS 30 minutes late meeting her at Megamall before work

>>>and lastly... "Trambiya," "Holiday," and just recently "Soot da barglar." (I love CSI)!!!(inside joke)

I'LL MISS YOU SO MUCH ABRIL! I swear babalik ako GY SOON!
posted by dyeni @ 7:05 AM  
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