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Name: dyeni
Home: Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines
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i'm back from my hiatus baby!
Sunday, February 19, 2006

For the first time in months I had absolutely nothing to blog about. So, I've purposely ignored Blogger and just MySpace-d my ass off for the past two months. Lets face it, Friendster is well...boring already. Its no longer trying to find your long lost friends but its now a popularity contest about who has the most number of friends on their friends list.

I'm not gonna lie to you and say that MySpace is nothing like that. Its actually much worse coz for one thing, I don't know anyone from my friends who has a MySpace account so a lot of people who try to add me are pervs, dickheads and idiots who like to add people just to bring up their numbers in their friends list to feel popular. And not to be mean or anything but... there is no chance in hell that I'm adding you nitwits!

The best thing about MySpace though is that it has this special unique feature called MySpace music, which features profiles of a lot of bands and artists such as Fall Out Boy, Switchfoot and etc. Browsing through these band profiles and listening to songs of unsigned and undiscovered bands kinda brought back my love for listening to music.

So, right now I'm back to being a music junkie just like I was back in the good 'ol days. Aaaaahhh...feels good to be back!

Damn you TV! Making me stray from my musical roots!

And speaking of music, a couple of my officemates, well Migs and Raymond to be more specific, started a band and they had their premiere a couple of nights ago in Salo, and I gotta say...they weren't half bad. 'Cept for the part that Raymond got his mouth electrocuted at one point. God knows how he managed to do that. But all in all, it wasn't half bad at all. Looking forward to seeing more of their performances.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Now a couple of posts ago, I was all "happy, happy, joy, joy" about my supposed career move. Well, guess what?! I jinxed it!

Now I am a nomad! Floating around the office, stuck between two teams, having to answer the million dollar question..."When exactly are you transferring?"

My answer..."I don't know anymore!"

Therefore, from this day forward, I am no longer speaking of my career or career movement or any sort of happiness involving my job because job will never equal happiness... it'll never happen for me. Not in this lifetime anyway...

In my next lifetime, I'm gonna grow up to be a rockstar!

Till the next post!
posted by dyeni @ 3:39 PM  
  • At Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is the beauty of using Firefox: because it can bookmark RSS feeds, you're always updated on your friends blogging activities. Hehehe! Welcome back! :D

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